
Green Schools Committee and Global Citizens Bottle Return Initiative

January 13, 2025

As you know, Ireland has implemented a bottle return scheme to reduce the amount of plastic bottles and aluminium cans littering our area. We have noticed that even with the incentive of getting your money back, many bottles can still be found in bins along our school from students who ran out of time during lunch and don’t want to carry an empty drink around for the rest of the day. 

The Green Schools Committee decided instead of throwing money into landfills, we could collect the bottles from students and return them ourselves.

Ms. Campbell emailed the Re-turn Scheme organisers and received 2 large orange Re-turn bins based on our student numbers. We also received posters and a video which was shown to students. 

We now have these orange bins in our canteen and along one of our busy corridors to ensure it will get the most traction. Students have been throwing their bottles and cans ever since, and our first deposit with our partner Dunnes Stores was on Wednesday,  27th November. All the money raised was used to buy non-perishable food items for the St. Vincent de Paul’s food appeal in time for the Christmas season. 

Article written by Sheena Zhou