1st Year Information Pack 2019/2020

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your son/daughter to Coolmine Community School.

We hope that you and your child will be happy in our school and that you will both enjoy the journey through post primary education. We look forward to working together during this very exciting step in your child’s education and we hope that on completion of his/her studies in Coolmine, your child will be prepared for the next major step in life. 

Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you wish to discuss any issues or problems that may arise during the school year. 

The contents of our 1st Year 2019/2020 information pack is available below:

Coolmine CS School Calendar 2019/2020 (7280 downloads ) 1st Year Parent Guide to VSware (1124 downloads )

Uniform Requirements

Junior Cycle Information Leaflet for Parents

Junior Cycle – Ongoing Reporting and Assessment Information Leaflet

School Policies