April 23, 2023
Reading Week is held every year in Coolmine Community School. We aim to promote a positive reading culture in our school. There are many events and competitions being run throughout the week.
- DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) will take place every day P3 from 10:25-10:45am.
- Door decorating – B corridor
- Book Club Tea Party will take place Tuesday and Thursday at lunchtimes in the library (students and teachers welcome).
- Book Donation box is in the canteen, and we kindly accept both books and graphic novels.
- Author Jo Spain will be giving a talk in the library on Thursday at 11am.
- Bookmark/Book cover design competition for junior classes.
- Narrative story competition for TYs and Seniors.
Classes will be taken to The Book Bank to enjoy some extra reading time.
Kind Regards,
The Literacy Committee.