
CCS Memorial Service

January 3, 2023

Sunday 22nd January 2023

As you might be aware, this year, Coolmine Community School celebrates its 50th Anniversary since the opening of the school in 1972. As a result, a number of events are being planned throughout the academic year in order to commemorate this milestone.

Accordingly, we plan to hold a memorial service for deceased members of the Coolmine School Community on Sunday 22nd January 2023 at 3pm. I would like to invite you to this most special event in order to remember with fondness, all those who in their own way contributed so much to the life and spirit of the school. A Remembrance Book which includes the names of those we remember and pray for provides a continual reminder of the legacies of those we remember on this day. That Remembrance Book will be present at the Memorial Service.

You are cordially invited to this Service to pray for those who continually remain in our thoughts and prayers.