
SciFest – Wednesday 4th May 2022

May 6, 2022

Our 2nd year science students presented their projects at Scifest on Wednesday 4th May in Coolmine CS. We welcomed twelve visiting judges from TU Dublin, TCD, Carlow IT and SciFest. Students were very excited to showcase their work! 

SciFest is Ireland’s largest STEM fair programme for second-level students. SciFest’s mission is to ensure every second-level student has an opportunity to develop critical STEM skillsets through participation in a STEM fair, irrespective of their ability, background, gender or circumstance.

Prize Student Names Project title
1st Prize Grace Atkinson Is washing powder or washing liquid more effective at cleaning?
  Ciara Aylward  
2nd Prize Martina Neumannova Oxidation in apples
  Sophie Margaret Reid  
  Chloe Hau Yee Tang  
3rd Prize Sabrina Buzdalek How does the shape of an ice cube affect how fast it melts?
  Ester Niyikora  
  Maya Sarna  
Eirgrid Award Tosin Adekunle What colour reflects the most light and heat, and how is it affecting the metling ice-caps?
  Emilija Latvyte  
Innovation Award Lee O’Doherty How does different footwear affect how fast you run on grass?
  Chris Tauro  
Highly Commended Jasmine Faith Baclaocos How does lemon juice and vinegar have a effect on apple oxidation?
  Damien Hayden  
  Keisha Soetan  
Highly Commended Aran Dunne Can sand filter water better than gravel?
  Aaron Jordan  
  Niel Alexander Juan  

Well done to all involved.