
Stress Control Classes for Leaving Cert. Students

May 8, 2020

‘Stress Control’ is a six-session cognitive-behavioural therapy class used extensively in community-settings by the NHS (UK) and HSE (Ireland) and across the world. The programme is for adults, but under 18 year olds are encouraged to participate with their parents.  It may be a useful programme for Leaving Certificate students and/or their parents to access for support at this time. 

Each session will repeat four times starting on Monday 11th May – for dates and times please see the dates timetable on the website. The sessions will be led by Dr Jim White, consultant clinical psychologist, who created the class and who has taught most of the NHS (UK) and HSE (Ireland) trainers who would normally be running classes in their communities. Stress Control on-line already ran over 3 weeks in April and an average audience of 6,000 attended each session. 

Please see full details in the flyer below:

Stress-Control-advert-May-.pdf (147 downloads )