
Leaving Cert Student Wellbeing

May 16, 2020

A web page has been launched by NEPS and the DES to support the well-being of Leaving Certificate students. The page contains resources and support documents including FAQs, and tips on how to stay well, a podcast on how to manage well-being, contact details for the support services available, and a range of other useful information. You can access this at the following links:

Leaving Certificate 2020

Wellbeing Information and Resources

A full suite of NEPS advice and resources for keeping young people well are available here

The following additional resources may also provide you with some ongoing support for your son/daughter’s well being during this time at home. These resources have been provided by Jigsaw, NEPS, TUSLA and the HSE.

Useful information –  links and downloads:

Guide to living with worry and anxiety amidst global uncertainty (133 downloads )

Jigsaw Resources to support students to mind their mental health

NEPS: Talking to Children and Young People about Covid 19

NEPS: Advice for Young People while Schools are Closed

NEPS: Relaxation Techniques