2nd & 3rd Year Book Lists, Calendar, Uniform and VSware information 2019/2020
Book Lists 2019/2020
Books are provided for our Junior Students by the Book Rental Scheme which is organised and run by the Parent’s Association. The book lists available for download below can be used to purchase stationary and other equipment that is required for your son/daughter. If you have any queries regarding the books please email coolminebookrental@gmail.com
2nd-Year-Booklist-2019.2020_.docx (558 downloads ) 3rd Year Booklist 2019/2020 (2644 downloads )School Calendar
Coolmine CS School Calendar 2019/2020 (7276 downloads )Uniform Requirements
VSware 2019/2020
Please note that VSware is the school administration system where you can access your son/daughter’s information as follows:
- Timetable
- School Reports
- Attendance Record
- Behaviour Record
Please note that school reports will no longer be posted. It is important that you log in regularly to work with the school in monitoring your son/daughter’s attendance and behaviour.
*If you have forgotten your password please contact the school so that we can resend your details.
Please download our Parent/Guardian Guide to VSware below:
Parent/Guardian Guide to VSware 2019/2020 (4350 downloads )