
Cuairt ar Ghaelscoil na Mí

May 17, 2016


Today,  a group of transition students studying Irish with Ms Peavoy visited Rang 1 in Gaelscoil na Mí, Ashbourne. The Coolmine students had the opportunity to meet with young people who use Irish every day as a living language. The transition years were tasked with writing and translating age- appropriate questions, designing a child friendly Power-point presentation, creating colourful reward stickers and designing team names for each Rang 1 table.Capture

Two Coolminers sat at each table to help the Gaelscoil na Mí students, but it may have been the other way round! The tráth na gceist was a great success.  The transition years thoroughly enjoyed the experience and made every effort to speak Irish.

At Sos time our students were invited out ar an gclos and were delighted to be allowed the opportunity to play Tag and be páistiúl. When Príomhoide Tricic Ní Mhaologáin Hosford rang the bell, everyone ran to their Líne. A very strange looking Líne formed at the end of the Clos. There stood twenty eight transition year students go ciúin with their fingers on their lips, much to the amusement and enjoyment of all the students in Gaelscoil na Mí.

A big thanks to all the múinteoirí agus daltaí especially Fionnual Nic Caba and Eamonn ó Gríofa for their warm welcome. Looking forward to visiting Gaelscoil na Mí again next year in their new building.