Fifth Year SVP Christmas Food Appeal
A group of fifth year students are collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas food appeal which provides food hampers for families who may otherwise go without this Christmas.
SVP Christmas Food Appeal Guidelines
- Please ensure that all food items are non-perishable
- Please ensure that all food items have an expiry date well into 2016
- We have put together a list of suggested items:
Treats: Christmas Cake / Pudding, Christmas Selection Boxes, Biscuits, Chocolate, Mince Pies, Crisps, Popcorn, Sweets, Turkey/Ham Voucher, Box of Christmas Crackers, Festive Table Napkins.
Tinned Food: Tinned Fruit eg. fruit cocktail/ Tinned Vegetables Custard Packet/ Tinned Soup Tinned Spaghetti Baked Beans Tinned Tuna/ Fish.
Beverages:Tea and Coffee Sugar Soft Drinks.
Cereals & Carbohydrates: Breakfast Cereals Muesli Noodles Rice Pasta Pasta/Rice Sauce Muesli Bars.
Click here information can obtained from Mr Synott and Mr O Reilly.