Sixth Year Graduation 2015
On Tuesday the 19th May, Coolmine Community School took leave of its class of 2015 with the annual Sixth Year Brunch. The sixth year students gathered with staff in the canteen and celebrated their final day together in Coolmine with food, music, good humour and the traditional tree planting ceremony. Though the students were sad to say goodbye to their time in school, they were certainly not sad to say goodbye to their uniforms which were colourfully decorated and signed by the end of the brunch!
Later the following evening, the Graduation ceremony saw the students in all their finery, with their parents and guardians, bid a fond farewell to their school. Images of the graduating class as baby-faced first years caused much amusement (and embarrassment in some cases!)
Megan Farnan and Alex Fitzpatrick were tasked with giving the graduation speech and both rose to the occasion, receiving a standing ovation from proud parents and fellow graduates. Megan spoke movingly of her time in Coolmine and Alex had the entire audience laughing with his recollections of teachers, students and his fondest memories.
The music for the ceremony was provided by the sixth year graduation choir who had been hard at work in the weeks coming up to the event under the direction of Mr. Tully. Their upbeat and energetic performance of ‘Send Me On My Way’ was a fitting end to their time in Coolmine!
Thank you to everyone involved in organising this occasion. Best wishes to our graduates for success in their exams and fulfilling lives ahead. Thank you to Ms. Freeman for her stewardship of the outgoing sixth years and best wishes for every success with her new year group of incoming first years.
Click here to see some Graduation moments.