
Maths Week 2014 (Monday 13th – Friday 19th October)

November 16, 2014

Maths2Math’s Week in Coolmine was celebrated with the following events:

First Year Math’s Quiz

Round one of the First Year Math’s Quiz took place on Monday 13th October, followed by the finals on Friday 17th October. Well done to all the participants and congratulations to the winning team.

Puzzle Time at Coolmine

Puzzles and conundrums were posted daily on the Math’s Noticeboard. Prizes were given to winning senior and junior entrants daily.

The Mathematical Sciences Triathlon at UCD

On Tuesday 14th October, Mr Gaffey and a group of fifth year students attend three short, fun talks and activities on Mathematics, Statistics and Applied & Computational Mathematics.

Problem Solving in Rathbeggan

Ms Webster and her class took part in a ‘Project Maths Problem Solving Trail’ on Tuesday 14th October.  In a beautiful setting overlooking lakes the group experienced a ‘hands on’ approach to finding solutions to a selection of challenges. All had a good time.

Please contact the Math’s Department or see for more information on maths related articles and events.