
A Feast of Coolmine Talent 2012 – Winners & Photos

May 2, 2012

‘Rapper’s Delight’ – a rap / hip hop / soul combo beat 16 other acts in the 11th annual Feast of Coolmine Talent which was held in the Draoícht Theatre on Tuesday 31st January.

The winning group was a popular choice with both the adjudicators and the audience, and in the unjudged performance in Draíocht on Monday evening, in which they had been voted the ‘people’s choice’.

The show, featuring the cream of the talent in Coolmine, included performances from individuals, duos, and larger groups. Some talented performers appeared in more than one act, and mention must be made of Elizabeth Mazurok who appeared in at least 3 acts, as well as accompanying the Gospel Choir during the interval.

The night however belonged to ‘Rapper’s Delight’ who performed their version of the song recorded by The Sugarhill Gang in 1979.

Congratulations to the winners: Craig McSherry, Robert O’Reilly, Jessy Kalala, and Brian Martin.

Some images from the show are available here.