Funds Raised for Beled-Amin Primary School, Somalia
On Thursday 24th May 2007, representatives from Third Year, Transition Year and the Community Care Team presented Mary Sweeney, from Trocaire with a cheque for €5,000.
Trocaire works with partners to overcome poverty and promote justice. The Trócaire Schools Programme hopes to raise money for 11 schools in Somalia. Coolmine Community School has linked up to the Beled-Amin Primary School located at Beled-Amin village in Somalia.
Over the past three years Ms. Quirke has motivated her Year Group to organise events within the school to support this Primary School. Fr. Tom and the Community Care group have also raised money for the project and the Transition Years donated the proceeds of their Christmas Dance-athon to the fund.
Photos of the school and work made possible as a result of the generosity of Coolmine students are to follow. Unfortunately the unstable political and economic situation in the region hinders this process.