
Information for Parents & Guardians of all Students

January 7, 2021

On the 6th of January 2021, the Government announced that schools would remain closed for 1st – 5th years until the 1st of February 2021. On the 7th of January 2021, Minister Foley announced that schools would also remain closed for 6th year students until the 1st February 2021, reversing the earlier decision that would have allowed 6th year students to attend 3 days a week.

As a result of these announcements, students in all year groups will access remote learning for the duration of the school closure. Remote learning will commence from 10.45am on Monday the 11th of January 2021. Where possible, students should follow their regular school timetable.

Remote Learning occurs when teachers and students move a normally in-person class to a temporary online space. To facilitate remote learning in Coolmine CS, we use Office 365 for teaching and learning and our VSware App to communicate with parents.

What your son/daughter needs to do prepare to learn from home:

  • Your son/daughter has a username and password for Office 365. Please ask them to log in to Office 365 in advance of Monday 11th January to ensure that they can access the platform online.
  • Within Office 365, they can then access their email in Outlook and their material for remote classes in either Teams or OneNote.
  • Students will be issued with further detailed guidance on remote learning, including guidance on responsible and respectful engagement online.
  • Students should have a full set of books/ebooks at home to support remote learning.

VSware App

Earlier this year, we asked all parents to download the VSware Parent App. Within the app you can access VSmail (used for all school communications), behaviour records, attendance records, student timetables and school reports. It is very important that you use the app to access information during the current Covid 19 school closure.

Full details of how to download the app are available here:


  • If your son/daughter does not have their username and password for Office 365, email
  • If you have any difficulties with the VSware app, please email