SVP ‘Giving Tree’ Campaign.
As part of a social justice initiative a group of Coolmine fifth year Religion students will be raising funds in order to donate to the St. Vincent de Paul Giving Tree campaign.
SVP are looking for presents to be donated to the cause for children, teenagers and adults who may otherwise go without this Christmas.
The fifth year students visited all first, second and third year classes last Friday and will return to these classes today to collect donations.
As an incentive for students to support this worthy cause there will be a raffle held for everyone who donates, with prizes as follows:
- €20 gift voucher
- €15 gift vouchers x 2.
The plan is that each class would donate enough to buy 2-3 gifts for the SVP appeal. (Gifts have a minimum value of 10 euro).
Click here or see Mr Kellegher for more infromation.