Diversity Week 2014 (Monday 20th – Friday 24th October)
October 29, 2014
‘Be yourself; everyone else is already taken’
Diversity Week 2014 in Coolmine takes place from Monday 20th to Friday 24th October. There will be lots of events to highlight and celebrate the differences in culture, race, education and religion in Coolmine Community School. As recommend by Oscar Wilde:-embrace your individuality!
The following activities will take place during week:
- Diversity Week Poster Competition. Great prizes to be won.
- Ted Talks on ‘Diversity’ followed by discussion time.
- Screening of X-Men in the library
- Wheelchair Basketball in association with the Irish Wheelchair Association
- Afro-Éire Workshop on Development Education
- Guest speakers from the Irish Refugee Council
- Guest speakers from Amnesty International
- Guest speaker on Japanese culture