Coolmine Merit Awards
For the past fifteen years, we have held annual Merit Awards in Coolmine to recognise the valuable contribution made to the life of the school by many students, particularly in areas not included in our annual Academic and Sports awards ceremonies. Teachers nominate students whom they feel add to the ethos of the school in areas such as involvement in extra-curricular activities like debating, projects, competitions and trips or who voluntarily give of their time to help with school activities. Students who bring honour to the school through their involvement in activities outside school or who have attributes such as courtesy, kindness and consideration are also considered.
If your child is nominated parents are invited and we urge you to attend the Merit Awards, as it is a tribute to both you and your child to be considered. This year’s ceremony will be held on Thursday, April 30th at 8pm in Westmanstown.
We look forward to seeing you there.