

Junior Certificate Metalwork provides students in the junior cycle of post-primary education with an introduction to materials and process engineering and an insight into associated technology. It is founded in practical activity that seeks to link observation and action with ingenuity and creativity in a problem-solving context. The course has two main sections: (i) Techniques and Design, which incorporates all of the practical work, and (ii) Materials and Technology, which is the related technical and technological principles and theory.

Metalwork is assessed at two levels, Ordinary level and Higher level, by means of a written examination paper and a student project.  At Higher level, in addition, there is a practical examination.

Note: Specifications for the technology subjects will be revised in phase 6 of the Junior Cycle Developments, with the changes commencing in 2019, for certification in 2022

Click on the link below for more information on this subject.

NCCA Junior Certificate Metalwork Syllabus